A Guide To Fuel Efficient Cars – Make The Change Today!

Posted by Admin at 14 January 2015, at 14 : 15 PM

A Guide To Fuel Efficient Cars – Make The Change Today!

Buying a fuel efficient car will result in serious money savings. Although buying a hybrid will produce the most savings, this is not the only choice available. The big advantage of hybrids is that they combine a traditional gasoline engine with a battery-powered electric motor so they consume less gas and give away less pollution than conventional automobiles.

Fact is that hybrid cars the most fuel-efficient cars available in present days. With the ever rising fuel prices, it’s easy to understand why models like Toyota Prius and Honda Insight have become such a big hit amongst buyers.

According to the stats release by Toyota and tests made by various auto-magazines, including the data from the EPA fuel economy guide, the Prius gets an estimated 60 miles per gallon in the city and 51 miles per gallon on the highway. Honda Civic hybrid is even better with values of 45 miles per gallon in the city and 51 miles per gallon on the highway.

Mankind needed just 200 years to consume 50% of the oil on earth that required more than 200 million years to develop. With the enormous consumption tending to continue and to even reach a much higher rate, we must start planning for the future right now. The oil that’s left won’t last for the next 200 years, in fact it will probably be good enough for only 50 or 100 years at most. That’s why we need to invest heavily into fuel efficient cars and get rid of all the old 7 liter engines that were designed without any fuel efficiency in mind.

Cars are an absolute necessity, there is no doubt about that. But as our oil resources beginning to evaporate, mankind is in a desperate need to replace petroleum as a primary source of power because alternative forms of energy are simply far more economical.

Driving fuel efficient cars decrease the rate at which oil is consumed and that is very important. Every one of us can play their part by buying a fuel-efficient car. America is becoming more and more dependant on foreign oil supplies and that can be a serious problem. Nearly 70 percent of the world’s oil reserves are in the Middle East, under control of the OPEC oil cartel. This dependency can cause price shocks for which we must be prepared. The preparation can only be made possible through technology. The technological progress holds the key to oil independence. That’s why scientists are focused on developing alternative energy sources and more energy-efficient vehicles.

The Environmental Protection Agency has made a list of the top fuel efficient cars. First place in the two-seater category takes Honda Insight. The Mini Cooper is number one is the Minicompact cars, while Honda Civic Hybrid is the leader in the compact cars class.

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