Contact Us

mercedescarplace sales email Use the e-mail address (main) provided in the blue text to contact us. Just copy and paste (or just click) this: – You can contact us anytime you want (including Saturdays and Sundays!). We always respond quickly – within 1-24 hours (usually within 1-2 hours).

mercedescarplace gmail email In case you are having some problems with the main e-mail address, you can use the alternative e-mail address. Just copy and paste (or just click) this: – You can also use the alternative e-mail even if you don’t have any problems with the main e-mail, however, for a quicker response, use the main e-mail address.

  • For Mercedes-Benz listing, you can use the main e-mail address, but you can also use the gmail address (it’s up to you – both e-mails are checked daily, more than once a day, including Saturdays and Sundays). Send a message to us — In your e-mail message, attach your images and include your description of your Mercedes-Benz vehicle. If all information is correct, your vehicle will be listed within 1-24 hours (you’ll receive a confirmation message with further details). We’ll contact you if your information isn’t correct or something is missing. Notice: If you haven’t received a reply after 24 hours, send another message to us. We always reply within 24 hours (if your message is delivered correctly). If you haven’t received a reply after 24 hours, it means you made a mistake — check if the e-mail address is correct (make sure you typed our e-mail address correctly) — check your spam folder (our message could be in your spam folder). If still no message from us, send another message by using the gmail/main address (if before you used not the gmail/main address).
  • If you’ve noticed some issue(s)/error(s) with our website, you can use the alternative e-mail to report that issue(s)/error(s).