Alternative Fuel Car – Gasoline Cars Aren’t The Only Choice

Posted by Admin at 17 June 2015, at 13 : 13 PM

Alternative Fuel Car – Gasoline Cars Aren’t The Only Choice

Alternative fuel cars are the natural solution to the constantly rising gas prices. There are different types of alternative fuel cars as some of them even run on corn-based ethanol as well gas-electric hybrids and cars that burn natural gas. Everything happening in the world of politics is suggesting that gas prices will continue to rise, so if you are about to buy a new car, you should consider alternative-fuel vehicles.

Hybrid electric cars are a type of alternative fuel vehicles, which save fuel by using an electric motor at certain periods instead of the regular gasoline engine. Any type of car that combines two or more source of energy is considered as hybrid. Hybrids are typically around $3,000 more expensive than regular models, but with all the savings you will make on gas, those extra money shouldn’t really be an issue for you. As a potential buyer of a hybrid vehicle, you will also benefit from tax credit for purchasing a hybrid, which varies from $1,000 to more than $3,000 depending on the fuel economy.

Diesel powered automobiles are becoming more and more popular as their sales have increased with up to 80%. Diesel fuel costs less than gasoline and gets 20% to 40% better fuel efficiency. Diesel engines are proven to be longer lasting than gasoline engines, as test results suggest that when both engines are used under identical conditions, a diesel engine will most likely produce at least twice the life of a gasoline engine.

On the roads today, there are more than 5 million flexible fuel vehicles that run on E85. E85 contains 85% corn-based ethanol and 15% gasoline. There are some problems related with ethanol as it provides fewer miles to the gallon so drivers have to refuel more often. The next and perhaps biggest drawback is that there only around 600 refueling stations in the USA and most of them are in the Midwest.

The Honda Civic GX is a alternative fuel car that runs on natural gas. Natural gas is 50% cheaper than regular gasoline and it burns more cleanly, which is a major environmental benefit. Buyers of such cars can get a $4,000 tax break. Honda Civic GX is priced at $24,440. In order to refuel your car, you can mount a “Phill” (gas home-refueling appliance) on the garage wall and connect it to the home’s natural gas supply line.

The thing is that at the lab, most of the gasoline alternatives look good, but when put into practice, it turns out that automotive engineers still have a lot of work to do. In order for alternative fuel cars to become as popular as regular models, companies have to build an entirely new infrastructure which involves really big investments.

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